Employment Insurance (EI) and Compensation for Work Accidents and Occupational Illnesses

When workers become victims of work accidents or come down with work-related illnesses, they can receive compensation for these injuries or illnesses from the Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) in their province. The monies paid out may include the following:

Temporary payments for lost income

Temporary payments for lost income are paid during the initial stages of the injury or illness and continue until the worker recovers or until it is determined in the evaluation conducted by the WCB that a full recovery is very unlikely.

Only temporary payments received or receivable from the WCB as compensation for the worker's lost income during the period of the injury or illness:

Final settlement of a claim

If the WCB determines that the work-related injury or illness permanently prevents the worker from returning to his or her job or any other suitable occupation, the WCB can decide to issue permanent payments after a final settlement of the claim. A final settlement can also be made if the worker is able to work at any job, but not at the previous salary level. In these situations, permanent payments issued after a final settlement are not considered earnings for EI benefit purposes.

Note that although the WCB determines at a later date whether or not the injury or illness is permanent, this does not in any way alter the fact that temporary payments received or to be received in advance are considered earnings for EI benefit purposes.

Some expenses paid by the WCB have no impact on EI benefits

The following payments are not considered earnings and are not allocated: