Policies and Procedures

Students are expected to be in school and on time, except in cases of emergency or for reasons explained below. Upon return from an absence, please send a note to the teacher explaining the reason for the absence.


A student must be present for one-half of the school’s instructional day in order to be recorded present for that day. The mid point of the school day is 11:08 a.m.

Below are valid/lawful excuses for temporary nonattendance of a student at school:

1. Illness or Injury.

3. Death in the Immediate Family.

4. Medical or Dental Appointments.

5. Court or Administrative Proceedings.

6. Religious Observances.

7. Educational Opportunity - Absence may be lawful when it is demonstrated that the purpose of the absence is to take advantage of a valid educational opportunity, such as a student serving as a legislative page or a governor’s page.

Approval for such an absence must be granted 5 days prior to the absence. General travel and family vacations will not be excused.

8. Local School Board Policy - LEAs may excuse temporary or occasional absences for other reasons in accordance with local school board policies, provided the student has been in attendance for at least one-half of a school day during the current school year.

9. Absence related to deployment activities – A student whose parent or legal guardian is an active duty member of the uniformed services and has been called to duty for, is on leave from, or immediately returned from deployment to combat zone or combat support posting for purpose of visiting said parent or legal guardian.


Students arriving after 7:40 a.m. are tardy and should report to the office before going to class. Any student arriving tardy needs to be signed in by a parent or guardian. Excessive tardiness is not acceptable.


If you should need to pick up your child early for any reason, please come to the office. The teacher will not release your child without approval from the office. Proper identification is required. Early release cannot be accommodated after 2 p.m.


If you are moving or withdrawing your child from school, please call or notify us in writing a few days prior to the child's last day. This will allow ample time to complete necessary paperwork.


Perfect Attendance is awarded at the end of each grading period to students who have been present every school day.

Breakfast and Lunch Program

New Hanover County Schools is now using My School Bucks as an online meal prepay option. Go to MySchoolBucks for more information.

Breakfast and lunch are served daily. Free and Reduced lunch forms can be accessed at https://www.myschoolapps.com/ All students are assigned a lunch account. This account will be used on a debit system. Deposits can be made in the cafeteria or at MySchoolBucks. Milk and other a la carte items may also be purchased. Charging is not permitted. All unpaid cafeteria accounts will be handled by a collection agency.

Discipline & Student Behavior Code

Everyone involved with Masonboro must share the responsibility for creating and supporting a positive school environment. The responsibility for discipline lies with all parents, staff, and students. Inappropriate behavior which interrupts the instructional setting will not be allowed. Policies, rules, and procedures relative to student conduct in the New Hanover County Schools are distributed annually to students on their first day of school. Please review these policies, rules, and procedures with your child. In addition, at Masonboro our students SOAR.

Orderly and Organized
Attentive(be present) and Attitude(choose a great one)

It is a violation of North Carolina law to bring any weapon on school grounds. This includes pocket knives. Any incident of weapons at school must be reported to law enforcement.
NHCS Student Discipline Information can be found in the NHCS Student Handbook

Health Care Policy

A school nurse is available on a regular basis at Parsley. Sometimes it is necessary to send a child home from school when ill. Presently our school follows these procedures:


If your child should need medication during he school day, the principal must have a completed Physician's Authorization form. All medications should be delivered to the office by an adult. All medication will be kept in the office. School policy prohibits school personnel from dispensing over-the-counter medication to students without a Physician's Authorization Form.

Grading Policy

Policy 3400 Evaluation of Student Progress

An evaluation system of students’ effort, growth, and academic performance is necessary to help ensure that all students are succeeding within the framework of the educational goals and objectives of the board. The board believes that the formal issuance of student evaluations on a regular basis promotes continuous assessment of a student’s performance; informs the student, his or her parents or guardians, and the school counselor about the student’s performance and progress; and provides a system of notice that allows intervention strategies to be implemented if necessary to improve the student’s performance. The board encourages teachers and administrators to pursue innovative methods of evaluating progress.

The board with input from school administrators, teachers, students, and parents or guardians, has established an evaluation system for assessing an individual student’s academic achievement and progress relative to benchmarks set for students at that instructional level. A variety of methods and artifacts will be used to evaluate students.

The evaluation system should provide for regular communication with parents so that they may be informed and involved in their child’s education. Student progress will be reported to students and parents in various ways, including through portfolios, interim progress reports, informal communications, conferences, and the PowerSchool Parent Portal. See also Section A of policy 1310/4002, Parental Involvement.

Teachers shall evaluate student performance in a timely manner and provide appropriate feedback to parents. Teachers shall allow students, who are failing a course, opportunities for intervention and support to demonstrate mastery and improve their grade. Teachers shall evaluate student performance at least nine times per grading period and assign grades in accordance with any standards established for the course and with procedures applicable to all grading. Teachers should be as objective as possible in assigning grades and seek consistency in their own grading and in grading throughout departments, the school, and the school system. Teachers shall record grades in PowerSchool within seven days of the assignment due date and keep accurate records in order to substantiate a grade or assessment given in a course. Grades assigned will reflect effort, growth, and academic achievement. Evaluation of behaviors will be reported separately. Students and parents have the right to appeal failing course grades. Standardized grading practices, procedures, and grievance processes shall be utilized in accordance with 3400-R.

Performance Codes – Grades K-2
3 Meets grade level expectations
2 Progresses toward grade level expectations
1 Needs more development, performing well below grade level expectations

Checklist Codes – Grades K-2
+ Adequate progress
- Needs further development
* Not yet assessed

Grading Scale – Grades 3-12

Interim Grades (Quarterly)

Final Grades (Semester/Yearly)

A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
F 50-59
INC 0-49

A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
F 0-59
INC for specified circumstances

Scale for Citizenship in Grades K-12 and other non-core areas in Grades K-5
S Satisfactory progress
N Needs improvement
U Unsatisfactory progress

Legal References: G.S. 115C-47
Cross References: Parental Involvement (policy 1310/4002), Goals and Objectives of the Educational Program (policy 3000)
Adopted: January 5, 2021
Revised: July 12, 2022

NHCS Board Policy

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-teacher conferences are a vital part of good school-community relations and are scheduled throughout the school year. If you want to schedule a conference with a teacher, please call the school so a mutually convenient time can be arranged. It is requested that you not "drop in" during the school day to confer, as teachers have carefully planned for a full day of instruction. Interruptions erode time from the teaching schedule.

If you call the school to schedule a conference and do not know your teacher's extension, dial 411 for a staff directory. You may also choose to request an appointment for a conference by sending an e-mail to your child's teacher(s). Staff e-mail addresses are listed on our staff page and should also be available on each teacher's web page.

Masonboro Folder

Every student at Masonboro receives a Blue Masonboro Folder. Inside the cover is an outline of school information including Policies & Procedures.

Students use this folder to transport important papers to and from home and school each day. We encourage our parents to check this folder each day for notes from the teacher, administration or PTA.


Students at Masonboro receive 30 minutes of recess each day in accordance with North Carolina State Board of Education Policy ID Number: HRS-E-000


(a) For schools in which Physical Education is not currently offered daily to all K-8 students, a minimum of 30 minutes, daily, of moderate to vigorous physical activity shall be provided by schools for all K-8 students. This requirement can be achieved through a Physical Education class offered to all students. On days when Physical Education is not part of a student’s schedule, the 30-minute physical activity requirement can be met by activities such as recess, dance, classroom energizers, or other curriculum-based physical activity programs.

(b) Recess shall consist of unstructured free play or structured games and activities. Recess and physical activity shall not be taken away from students as a form of punishment; furthermore, exercise shall not be assigned for use as a form of punishment for students.

(c) The physical activity required by this section must involve physical exertion of at least a moderate to vigorous intensity level and for a duration sufficient to provide a significant health benefit to students according to National Physical Activity and Health Guidelines. Activity sessions should be no less than ten-minute segments that, when combined, total 30 minutes of daily physical activity.

School Safety - Transportation Policies

Safety for our students is a common goal and responsibility for all members of the Masonboro School community. Please read and discuss these guidelines with your child. There is a good deal of traffic congestion each morning and afternoon. You should plan to arrive early to avoid your child being tardy. Afternoon pickup requires patience. If everyone cooperates and follows the guidelines, we will have a safe and orderly campus. Thank you.


Students may be dropped off and are allowed into the building at 7:15 am. This is the time at which there are staff members at duty posts to supervise children. It is not safe for students to be in the building or outside waiting without parent supervision before 7:15. If you arrive on campus prior to 7:15, please have your child remain with you in your car until 7:15. Staff and Safety Patrol are on duty from 7:15 until 7:35. At 7:15 you may let your child out of the car at the car drop off circle and exit campus. As you pull into the circle, be prepared to let your child out as soon as it is your turn. Have homework signed, backpacks ready, etc. Children should exit the car on the sidewalk side of the car. Please stay in your car. A staff member or Safety Patrol will assist the student(s) exiting the vehicle. Come early, between 7:15 and 7:30 as that is when the line is shortest. Be aware that rainy days are the busiest. Please plan to drop off your child no later than 7:35 so he/she has time to get to class and is ready to learn by 7:40.

If you arrive at or after 7:40, please park your car in the south Staff Parking lot near out mobile classrooms and escort your child inside the office for a tardy pass.

Please stay in line and do not pass other vehicles unless specifically directed by a staff member.

As often as possible, have your child(ren) ride the bus. We have excellent drivers and it is the safest, most efficient way for children to get to and from school.


Parents should not use the Staff Parking Lot or the Bus Parking Area for drop offs. The safe and proper place to drop off students from a car in the morning is at the drop off circle. There are adults there to supervise. Using other areas creates traffic congestion and unsafe situations for walkers and bike riders. Please drive slowly and be watchful while on school property.


We have a crossing guard assigned to help students cross Masonboro Loop Road from 7:15-7:40 and 2:35-2:50. Students should not cross the road without the guard. If there is no guard there, please call the school and someone will come out to assist until a guard or police officer arrives. The crossing guard is not authorized to direct traffic.


Students are permitted to ride bikes to school. They MUST wear a helmet at all times - be sure it is securely buckled! Students can ride bikes to the sign on the sidewalk near the Staff Parking Lot in the morning, and then walk the rest of the way to the racks. Due to crowded conditions in the afternoon, students are to walk their bikes from the rack to the crosswalk.


Students who are to be picked up by adults in cars will wait at the Pick Up area in front of the school. No students will be allowed to go to the Staff Parking Lot or to cars in the Bus Parking Lot.

Please remain in your car and pull forward to the loading area as children are dismissed. A duty monitor will help children into the cars as needed. Please have your doors unlocked. If you have an automatic door, please open it as soon as it is safe.

Please have your child(ren)'s names written in a bold, large font on a piece of paper in the windshield on the passenger side of your car.

If you walk or ride a bike to meet your child, please wait in the garden area between the school and the south parking lot.

The North side of the school is for school bus and van pick up only.

If you need to change your child’s regular dismissal arrangements, you should notify the teacher in advance by sending a note. If written notification is not received, your child will follow his/her regular routine for getting home. Last minute dismissal changes cannot be made after 1:45 p.m. Do not leave voice mail messages or send emails for transportation changes.

Special Services

The New Hanover County Schools have resource personnel who work with the classroom teacher to provide special assistance. Available to meet the unique needs of each child are:

To see who fills these positions at Masonboro, view our Faculty/Staff web page. For more information about these services view New Hanover County Schools' web sites for Special Education and Related Services or ESL.

Student Dress Code

Students are to come to school dressed for the business of learning. Students are expected to adhere to certain standards of cleanliness and dress that are compatible with the requirements of a productive and safe school environment Those standards as outlined in School Board Policy 4316 will be the determining criteria governing student dress.

A student's appearance, mode of dress or condition of personal hygiene will not be permitted to disrupt the educational process or constitute a threat to the health or safety of others. When, in the judgment of the school principal, a student's dress or appearance is such a disruption or threat, the student may be required to make necessary modifications.

All students must wear shirts and shoes to school. Shoes must be appropriate for school activity. Hats are not to be worn inside. Offensive words or pictures on clothing are not permitted. It is not appropriate to students to wear perfume or cologne to school due to health problems of other students or staff members.

Transportation Changes

If you need to change your child’s regular dismissal arrangements, you should notify the teacher in advance by sending a note. If written notification is not received, your child will follow his/her regular routine for getting home. Last minute dismissal changes cannot be made after 1:45 p.m. Do not leave voice mail messages or send emails for transportation changes.

Visitors' Policy

Masonboro Elementary welcomes visitors to our school. Volunteers are a valuable asset and contribute to the success of our instructional program.

As the safety of our students is our number one priority, it is required that all visitors to our school follow these rules immediately upon entering the campus:

  1. Ring the doorbell to be buzzed into the building.
  2. Go directly to the front office.
  3. If you are staying at the school for any length of time, even for just a few minutes, you must sign in. Located in the office is a computer where you will log in your visit and print a visitor's sticker. Please be sure to wear this sticker during your entire visit to Masonboro. If you are not wearing a Visitor sticker, you may be stopped by a staff member and are re-directed to the office to get one. This is for the safety of all of our students.
  4. At the end of your visit, return to the office to check out using the computer.

We value your child's instructional time and minimize interruptions in the classroom.

Dropping off an item for your child? Please bring the item to the office. Lunches will be delivered to the cafeteria by the parent at the time they are dropping it off. Students will pick up lunches from a table as they enter the cafeteria.

Picking up your child early? Come to the office before 2:00 p.m. and we will call for him/her to come to you. Early dismissal cannot be accommodated after 2:00 p.m. Proper identification is required.

Cell phones and Smartwatch Policy

Masonboro's policy for cell phone and smartwatch us during the school day is outlined below:
-All cell phones and smartwatches are to be turned off and put away in a bookbag upon arrival at school. Students may retrieve their devices at the end of the school day.

Students are permitted to wear basic watches to school for the purpose of telling time.